Front Section

The front area contains controls for weapon delivery and the INS.

Laser Coder Control


The WSO can set the laser code used by the targeting pod by using the four small push-buttons on this panel.

Code Buttons

Each press (1) will advance the corresponding digit by one.

Codes directly relate to laser frequencies, resulting in them having to be between 1111 and 1788 and not use digits 0 or 9 in order to be valid.

💡 Weapon laser codes can be adjusted in the Mission Editor or during rearming, the default code used is 1688.

Enter Button

Once a code has been set, it can be transferred to the Pave Spike by pressing the ENTER button (2) to the right.

When power is applied to the system, it automatically initiates a transfer of the currently set code.

No Go Lamp

Validation of an entered code takes about 5 seconds. If the NO-GO lamp is lit, the code is invalid.

Inertial Navigation Control Panel


The Inertial Navigation Control Panel provides the rear pilot mode selection and system alignment command selection.

See 3.3.2 INS Navigation for further information.

Mode Selector Switch

The HDG MEM-GYRO COMP switch (1), located under a cover, primarily stays in the GYRO COMP position for Gyro Compass type of alignment. Switching it to HDG MEM, before turning on the INS, allows, if previously stored, heading memory alignment.

💡 Heading can be stored in the mission editor.

Power Control Knob

Knob positions (2) are:

OFFSystem off.
STBYStandby- power is applied to the heaters and temperature control system, and initiates Coarse alignment (if GYRO COMP is selected on the toggle).
ALIGNPerforms fine platform and gyro leveling and BATH (or HDG MEM) alignment. Then, if available, performs Gyro-compassing (Fine) Alignment.
NAVActivates the INS for navigation function, performance of which is based on the alignment quality.


The HEAT lamp (4) illuminates when the system is placed into STBY mode, and remains illuminated for 2 minutes after the gyros have reached operating temperature. The system will not allow Gyro-compassing alignment if switched out of STBY before this lamp has shut off.


The ALIGN lamp (3) provides current INS alignment through illuminating steady (BATH alignment complete), or flashing at the completion of GYRO COMP or HDG MEM alignment.

Antenna Hand Control

Antenna Hand Control

Joystick which integrates with the radar to perform range (fore and aft) and azimuth (left and right) positional control of the acquisition symbol on the radar display in the air-to-air modes, as well as seeker/EO sensor direction with AGM-65 Maverick and Pave Spike.

Antenna Elevation Control

A thumbwheel (2) on the left side of the stick controls the elevation angle of the radar antenna, displayed via the EL strobe on the DSCG display.

Challenge Button

If controlling the radar the button (1) initiates an IFF interrogation.

For the Pave Spike targeting pod, it instead toggles the field of view between WIDE and NARROW.

Action Switch (Trigger)

A 2-stage trigger (3) to lock targets. Exact behavior depends on whether currently controlling the radar, weapons or the targeting pod.

Boresight Adjustment

Boresight Adjustment

The boresight position of the antenna stick can be adjusted at its base using a screwdriver. Once set, the new values can be loaded by pressing the button below.

This is only accessible to ground crew personnel.

Weapon Delivery Panel



The two position switch (1) is only available after the Target Insert button is pressed, placing the switch to ON provides power to the weapon release computer's circuits for a LABS release using the WRCS release range data.


The two position switch (2) is Used to combine the delivery functionality of the ARBCS/LABS system with the WRCS TGT FIND mode. NORM is selected for the standard function of the WRCS without LABS delivery capability. Selecting HOLD and an ARBCS setting from the pilot's Delivery Mode Knob provides WRCS Target Offset search capability, and the attack is completed using the normal ARBCS procedures from the IP.

RANGE Switch

Selecting x100 on the two position switch (3) changes the release range multiplier on the WRCS panel to a factor of 100; in NORM, the standard factor of 10 is applied to the release range.

Volume Panel


A small panel to the right of the antenna hand control stick contains two combined knobs to control volume.

Canopy/Low Altitude Warning

The cubic knob (1) sets audio level for canopy open and low altitude voice warnings.

This system is not installed on this variant of the F-4E.

Stall Warning

The Stall Warning knob (2) controls the volume of the AoA tones that play when flying at certain angles.

Under certain conditions, the system can override the volume to ensure the cue is always audible in dangerous situations.