Instrument Approach and Landing

WSO Cockpit At Night

Holding / Loiter

Holding patterns or loitering flight may be flown at most altitudes at 280 knots, using approximately 30° of bank.

Instrument Descent

This figure represents typical penetration pattern.

Jet Penetration

💡 Do not reduce thrust below 80% rpm (85% single engine) to ensure adequate windshield defogging/rain removal/engine anti-ice effectiveness. If the throttle is retarded to idle in heavy precipitation a lower than normal idle rpm indication may be noted.

💡 The pressure altimeter should be crossed checked with the radar altimeter to confirm terrain clearance at low altitude.

Precision Approach

This figure represents typical penetration pattern.

PAR/ILS Approach

  1. Descend to GCA pick-up altitude and transition to landing configuration approximately 10 miles out on final or base leg (as appropriate).
  2. Maintain minimum on-speed angle of attack.

When directed to commence descent:

  1. Retard power to approximately 82-84% rpm.
  2. Adjust power and pitch as necessary to maintain desired rate of descent.

A straight-in TACAN penetration followed by a GCA or ILS final requires approximately 500-800 pounds of fuel. A missed approach followed by a second GCA requires an additional 1000 pounds of fuel.

Circling Approach

Recommended airspeed from TACAN final approach fix for a circling TACAN approach, is 180 knots with gear and flaps extended.

Missed Approach

  1. Throttles - MILITARY
  2. Gear - UP
  3. Slats flaps - NORM (minimum of 180 knots)
  4. Power as required to maintain 240-250 knots and maintain a 1500 to 2500 feet per minute climb.
  5. Follow published missed approach procedures.