
Takeoff Photo A right front view of an F-4 Phantom II aircraft taking off from Shiraz Air Base during exercise Cento

Normal Takeoff

The slats out-flaps down position is recommended for all takeoffs. After line-up on the runway and completing necessary pre-takeoff checks, engines can be run to 85% with brakes held and nose gear steering engaged to ensure nose gear alignment. With both engines operating in excess of 85% and the brakes locked, there is a possibility of rotating the tires on the wheel rims or skidding the tires. Check for normal rpm response and approximate readings of 450°C EGT, 4000 pph fuel flow, ¼ nozzles, and 30-40 psi oil pressure. After releasing brakes, advance both throttles rapidly to full military power and check rpm, exhaust temperatures and nozzle position. WSO check the ramps fully retracted. If an afterburner takeoff is desired, shift the throttles into the afterburner detent and advance full forward for max thrust. Maintain directional control with nose gear steering or rudder as required. The rudder becomes effective for steering at approximately 70 knots. Wheel braking should not be used for directional control during takeoff roll. Nose gear steering should be disengaged when rudder steering becomes effective. If it becomes necessary to re-engage nose gear steering at the higher speeds, rudder pedals should be returned to neutral prior to engagement since rudder displacement necessary for rudder steering will generally be excessive for nose gear steering. Sufficient aft stick should be applied prior to nose wheel liftoff speed to attain the desired pitch attitude. As the nose rises, pitch attitude must be controlled to maintain a 10° to 12° (first pitch mark) nose high attitude for aircraft fly-off. Caution must be exercised to preclude over-rotation due to excessive aft stick rate or an extended takeoff roll due to late lift-off. The basic takeoff attitude should be held during acceleration and transition to a clean configuration. Trim change and control action during this period are normal. The AUX AIR DOORS, WHEELS, and MASTER CAUTION lights may illuminate momentarily as the landing gear and flaps are retracted.

🟡 CAUTION: Rapid full aft movement of the stick between takeoff airspeed and 30 knots below takeoff airspeed may result in the stabilator hitting the runway with the possibility of stabilator actuator damage.


No-Flap Takeoff

No-flap takeoffs are not recommended. However, if it is determined that no-flap takeoffs must be performed to satisfy mission requirements, aircrews should be aware that takeoff roll and airspeed will be increased and: the takeoff attitude will be slightly steeper. Stabilator effectiveness is considerably increased and extreme caution must be exercised to prevent over-rotation which could result in the stabilator striking the runway.

🔴 WARNING: Due to increased stabilator authority with the flaps up, aircraft rotation can be initiated at lower than normal airspeeds and over-rotation is a definite possibility. If it appears that over-rotation is occurring, positive control movement (stick forward) must be taken to prevent the stabilator from contacting the runway and/or loss of aircraft control.

Minimum Run / Heavy Gross Weight Takeoff

A minimum run/heavy gross weight takeoff (aircraft over 55,500 pounds) is accomplished in the same manner as a normal takeoff with the following exceptions: It is recommended that all minimum run/heavy gross weight takeoffs be made with afterburner. During the takeoff-run, full aft stick must be applied prior to reaching 80 knots. As the aircraft starts to rotate, the stick should be adjusted to maintain 10° to 12° pitch attitude for aircraft fly-off. The possibility of a main landing gear tire failure increases with an extended takeoff ground run under heavy gross weight conditions. Nose wheel liftoff speed and takeoff speed is increased during heavy gross weight conditions. In the event of an aborted takeoff, it must be remembered that stopping distance is greatly increased as abort speed increases.

🟡 CAUTION: With a combination of light gross weight and aft CG, the minimum run takeoff technique (i.e., full aft stick prior to reaching 80 knots) produces rapid pitch rates during nose rotation. This combination can exist when the radar package and nose gun (or equivalent ballast) are not installed.

Crosswind Takeoff

Under crosswind conditions, the aircraft tends to weather vane into the wind. The weathervaning tendency can be easily controlled with nose gear steering. As forward speed increases, weathervaning tendency decreases. At speeds above 70 knots rudder effectiveness will normally be sufficient to maintain directional control. After the nose is lifted to takeoff attitude, the aircraft will have a tendency to drift toward the downwind side of the runway. Therefore, when a long time period is expected between nose lift-off and aircraft fly-off, or when the crosswind effect is particularly severe, nose lift-off can be delayed accordingly. Under normal operational conditions this action should not be required. As the aircraft leaves the ground, it should be crabbed into the wind, wings level, to maintain runway alignment. Takeoff in gusty crosswind or severe wake turbulence conditions can result in an abrupt wing low attitude at or near lift-off. When these conditions are anticipated, use higher than computed takeoff speed to provide additional lateral control after lift-off.

After Takeoff

When the aircraft is definitely airborne:

Retract the gear. Check that the landing gear position indicators display the word UP, and that the landing gear handle warning light is out.

🟡 CAUTION: The landing gear and gear doors should be completely up and locked before the gear limit airspeed of 250 knots is reached, otherwise, excessive air loads may damage the landing gear mechanism and prevent subsequent operation.

Set slats and flaps to NORM. Check that slat flap indicators display IN and UP. Rudder jumps may occur during flap retraction with a lateral stick input. If an audible (noticeable in head phones) chattering associated with slat flap and utility hydraulic pressure indicator fluctuating in unison occurs during slats flaps retraction, maintain airspeed below 250 knots and cycle slats flaps. If slat chatter occurs during maneuvering at altitude, it may require opposite slats positioning from where chatter occurs. If chatter persists, extend slats flaps and land as soon as practical. If cycling (slats repositioning) eliminates chatter, continue mission and make an appropriate entry in AF Form 781.


A simplified climb can be made by maintaining a 10° to 12° (first pitch mark) nose high attitude until reaching 350 knots and then vary pitch as necessary to maintain 350 knots until reaching cruise Mach/TAS. Vary pitch as necessary to maintain cruise Mach/TAS until reaching cruise altitude. A simplified Maximum thrust climb, at normal gross weights, can be made by maintaining a 10° to 12° nose high attitude until reaching 350 knots and then vary pitch as necessary to maintain 350 knots until reaching Mach 0.9. Vary the pitch attitude as necessary to maintain Mach 0.9 until reaching cruise altitude.

💡 During the climb, it may be necessary to place the antenna selector switch to the LWR position to maintain ground communication.

Rig Check

A rig check shall be performed if an out-of-rig or unintentional asymmetric load condition is suspected and before maximum-performance/high-AOA maneuvering. With all axes of the stab aug engaged, center the rear cockpit ball and check that aircraft does not roll more than 2°/second with ailerons and spoilers trimmed neutral. Ifa large amount of lateral trim (equivalent to more than 1 inch aileron down at 350 knots) is required to prevent roll, an out-of-rig, malfunctioning stab aug, or asymmetrical load condition exists. Do not maneuver at high angle of attack if this condition exists.

Stab Aug Check

A stab aug check shall be performed before maximum-performance/high-AOA maneuvering. Do not perform maximum performance maneuvers if any of the following checks are unsatisfactory.

  1. Pull nose up with 2G acceleration and release the stick. Aircraft should stabilize in one cycle.
  2. Yaw aircraft to one ball width and release rudder. Aircraft should stabilize in one cycle.
  3. Roll to 30-45° bank and release stick. Aircraft should maintain bank angle. Roll to level flight and release stick. Aircraft should maintain wings level.
  4. Gradually increase AOA through 11 1/2 units and ensure slats extend together. Decrease AOA below 10 1/2 units and ensure slats retract together.