Weapon Release Modes
The pod offers two additional weapon release modes:
- WRCS Auto Mode
- ROR (Release on Range)
Auto Mode
The main method of weapon delivery with the pod is the WRCS automatic release mode.
The WRCS has to be integrated with the pod for it to be available, and the pilot must select TGT FIND as delivery mode, as well as WRCS on the range indicator.
This mode works the same as the Dive Toss mode of the WRCS, just that it will use the pods computed slant range and target instead.
The TTG cue will move down and meet the T0 cue to indicate the time to release from maximally 15 seconds.
Release on range is mostly a backup mode. The pilot must select TGT FIND as delivery mode, and ROR on the range indicator.
Weapons will be released automatically, as soon as the computed slant range is less than the set desired release range. The range is configured on the range indicator, by setting the mode to SET and rotating the knob below the display.
Best results are achieved during level flight.