Pedestal Group


The pedestal group features the screen source switch (1), the rate of fire switch (2), the auto clear switch (3), a rounds counter (4), an accelerometer (5), engine oil pressure gauges (6), hydraulic pressure gauges (7), the TGT/MSL switch (9), a band selector switch (10) and a pneumatic pressure gauge (8).



Calibrated from negative 4 to positive 10 in units of G, with three pointers - one for current applied load, the other two show maximum positive and negative G applied during the flight. Pressing the PUSH TO SET button will reset the maximum position indicators to 1 G.

Engine Oil Pressure Indicators


A pair of engine oil pressure indicators are provided, one for each engine, calibrated from 0 to 100 PSI. Engine oil is used for lubrication, variable nozzle positioning, and constant speed drive unit operation. Important values are:

  • 12 PSI - Minimum at idle RPM
  • 30-60 PSI - In-flight military
  • 35 PSI - Static minimum at military thrust
  • 60 PSI - Maximum

For further information see 3.2.1 Engines chapter.

Hydraulic pressure Indicators


Two hydraulic pressure indicators are installed. The one on the right, references the Utility Hydraulic System pressure, while the left one references the PC-1 and PC-2 Hydraulic Systems; the latter includes two needles, which are marked accordingly. Pressure transmitters, one for each system, convert pressure impulses to electrical impulses which, in turn, are supplied to the indicators. Nominal operating power for all three systems is 3000 ±250 PSI. Other important values are:

  • 2000-2750 - Normal with rapid control movement
  • 2750-3250 - Normal
  • 3250-3400 - If pressure exceeds 3250 steady state, and entry must be logged on form 781
  • 3400 - Maximum

For further information see 3.5 Hydraulics chapter.

Pneumatic Pressure Indicator

Pneumatic Pressure Indicator

Shows manifold pressure of the pneumatic system measured by the pressure transmitter which supplies electrical inputs to the indicator. Keep in mind it doesn't show individual emergency pneumatic bottle pressures. Normal system pressure range is from 2650 to 3300 psi due to pressure transmitter and pressure gage tolerances.

Other important values are:

  • 3300-3500 - Caution area
  • 3500 - Maximum

For further information see the 3.6 Pneumatics chapter.

Screen Source Switch

Screen Source Switch

Controls which video source is displayed on the DSCG screen. This is independent of the WSO, allowing the pilot to view a source different to the WSO.

In the Radar position, the radar will be displayed on the screen. TV will either display weapon feeds, such as Maverick, or the targeting pod camera; depending on the Video Select Button in the WSO cockpit.

The Off-position turns the screen off.

Rate of fire Switch


Used to switch the gun rate of fire between a HIGH setting (6000 rounds per minute) and a LOW setting (4000 rounds per minute).

Auto clear switch


The cannon will fire approximately between 5 and 11 rounds from the point the pilot has released the trigger to clear all bolt actions in the cannon. This spin-down takes approximately one second during which the gun cannot be fired again during this operation. This only applies to externally carried gun pods and not to the main gun.

The AUTO CLEAR option should be used whenever a gun pod is used.

Rounds Remaining Indicator


Shows the currently available number of nose gun rounds. The counter must be set manually by the pilot whenever rearming.

Shrike Controls

Two switches to control AGM-45 Shrikes settings.

TGT/MSL Reject Switch


Dual purpose switch to control Mavericks and Shrikes.

For Mavericks, the spring-loaded TGT/MSL REJ position cycles through the available Mavericks currently selected and armed. If six Mavericks are equipped the station with the uncaged and active Maverick is cycled. To cycle the other station simply de-arm the active station, and select the other. The DF REJ position has no function.

For Shrikes, TGT/MSL REJ turns off the weapon seeker entirely until released. The DF REJ position selects the WRCS mode for receiving a solution, while the center position uses the weapons own, less accurate seeker system instead.

Band Switch


Allows to select the band range picked up by Shrikes.

💡 Not all variants support band switching.

Rudder Pedal Adjustment Crank


Used to adjust ergonomic position of the rudder pedals forward or back from the pilot.

Requires 38 full turns to move the pedals across the entire range.