Front Section

Intercom Control Panel


Volume Control Knob

Turned clockwise (1) to increase audio between cockpits, and counterclockwise to decrease audio between cockpits on the intercom.

Function Selector Switch

A three position switch (3) used to set the mode of the intercom.

COLD MICMic switch on throttle must be held to activate intercom.
HOT MICVoice automatically transmitted on intercom.
RADIO OVERRIDEVoice automatically transmitted on intercom. All volumes but Shrike tone and Stall Warning are reduced in volume.

Amplifier Select Knob

Determines current amplifier (2) for intercom function.

B/UBackup headset amplifier provides audio.
NORMPrimary headset amplifier provides audio.
EMERUses the amplifier from opposite cockpit; all and only audio including radio received to that cockpit is heard.

Control Monitor Panel


Tests and monitors the APQ-120 Radar.

Cords Light

Not used in the F-4E.

Temp Light

Illuminates (7) amber to indicate an over-temperature situation in the nose radar avionics bay. Under normal circumstances, an overheat condition requires setting the radar power to OFF. If circumstances require continued use, the light should be monitored regularly.

Meter Selector Knob

A sixteen position rotary knob (1) used in conjunction with the Test Knob, with each position having two values- an outer SIGNAL value, and an inner VOLT value. Selection of which value determined by the Meter Switch.

Monitor Meter

Monitor Meter

Provides voltage, current, and signal indications (2) based on current Meter Switch and Meter Selector Knob settings.

Test Knob

Test Knob

An eleven position rotary knob (3) used with the radar power knob in TEST to perform system BIT checks of the APQ-120 Radar. Basic test function noted below; procedural functionality is found in the applicable BIT test section (Air-To-Air Bits, Air-To-Ground Bits).

0Displays standard B scope presentation to confirm all elements functioning correctly.
1Confirms break lock timing delay, AIM-7 tuning status, and Range lamp status function.
2Confirms proper AIM-7 head position aim and SHORT pulse function against two targets.
3Confirms angle tracking performance against a locked target that rotates inside ASE circle.
4Used while lock achieved in another mode, confirms HOJ and AOJ functionality.
5Checks range rate, lead angle, CAA, and PLMS function.
6Confirms proper AIM-7 attack display and interlock function.
7not available
8not available
9not available
10not available
DOT BALConfirms AIM dot centering calibration. Also used for TIRS data transfer.

Meter Switch

Meter Switch

A two position switch (4) that determines which set of values are utilized from the Meter Selector Knob for the applicable test sequences; VOLT selects the inner ring of Voltage referencing values, whereas SIGNALS uses the outer ring of SIGNAL reference values.

Vc Switch

Vc Switch

A two position switch (5) that changes the scale factor of the range rate presentation. DSCG aircraft must leave the switch in 2700, else the Vc presentation will be in error.

Stab Switch

A three position switch (6) that changes the antenna stabilization mode.

NORNormal operation; inputs of pitch and roll are fed to the antenna stabilization circuit.
STAB OUTHorizon line removed from scopes and stabilization drift servos are zeroed.
DRIFT OUTINS drift compensation is removed; antenna uses direct pitch and roll input tracking.