Aft Section

The aft section of the right console features the navigation and lighting panel.

Navigation Panel

The Navigation Computer Control Panel serves as an interface for managing the aircraft's navigation, including its position and targets for navigation instruments like the HSI and BDHI. It can operate in two modes: INERTIAL and AIR DATA.

See Navigation Computer for details.

The panel is equipped with a range of control knobs and switches essential for the operation of the Navigation Computer.

Function Selector Knob

Function Selector Knob

A five position rotary switch ((1)) used to set the function of the navigation system.

OFFSystem powered down.
STBYSystem is powered but the latitude and longitude position integration is off.
TARGET 1Computes range and bearing to the selected coordinates set on the TARGET rollers.
TARGET 2Computes range and bearing to the memorized coordinates.
RESETClears the memorized coordinates. When moved back to TARGET 2, the selected coordinates set on the TARGET rollers are memorized.

Wind Control Knobs and Counters

Wind Knobs

Two rotary knobs (2) that enable manual setting of wind velocity (in knots) and direction (in degrees, from), displayed on the counters. Utilized by the Navigation Computer in AIR DATA mode.

Magnetic Variation Knob and Counters

Magnetic Variation Knob

A rotary knob (3) that allows manual setting of magnetic variation (in degrees). Essential for navigation computations in AIR DATA mode and for initial (BATH) INS Alignment.

Position Control Knobs and Counters

Own Position Knobs

These knobs (9) are used to manually change the current aircraft position in terms of latitude and longitude, as displayed on the counters (in degrees and minutes). They must be pressed in to be effective.

💡 In INERTIAL mode, the Position Update Switch must be used in conjunction with these knobs to update the position coordinates.

Target Control Knobs and Counters

Target Position Knobs

The target controls (10) enable the setting of target latitude and longitude counters, which can be used either as direct waypoint targets (when the Function Selector Knob is set to TARGET 1) or to memorize TARGET 2 coordinates (after the RESET position has been selected).

Position Update Switch

Position Update Switch

A three position switch (7) to set the position updating.

SETDisengages the updating mechanism of position counters, allowing them to be freely rotated to the desired position.
NORMALPosition counters are updated based on the INS signal in Inertial Mode, or by the system's own computations in Air Data Mode.
FIXUpdates the INS position at a rate of approximately 3 minutes of arc per second.

💡 The switch features an approximate 0.5-second delay when set to NORM, designed to prevent unwanted updates of the counters during the transition from SET to FIX.

Variation Sync Meter

Variation Sync Meter

In Inertial mode, this meter (5) displays the discrepancy between the INS-computed and manually set magnetic variation. In AIR DATA mode, the manually set variation does not affect this indicator.

Test Cap Off Light

Test Cap Light

Illuminates (4) when there is a failure in the true airspeed circuit from the Air Data Computer, indicating an open circuit condition.

Latitude and Longitude Sync Lights

Lat/Lon Sync Lights

Illuminate (6) when the position counters for latitude or longitude do not match the coordinates provided by the INS (difference above 1.5 arc minutes).

Air Data Mode Light

Air Data Mode Light

Illumination (8) indicates that the Navigation Computer is operating in AIR DATA Mode.

Cockpit Lighting Control Panel


The Cockpit Lighting Control Panel provides control of all panel edge lighting, flight instrument panel lighting, the console floodlights, the white floodlights found under the canopy sill over each console, and also includes the Warning Light Test and Standby Compass Light switch.

White Floodlight

The White Floodlight switch (4) acts independent of all other controls on the panel, and is either ON or OFF. It activates a separate emergency floodlight (also called Thunderstorm Light) that illuminates the cockpit in white.

Standby Compass Switch

The STBY COMP switch (5) illuminates the light for the Standby Compass.

Console Floodlight

This switch (6) controls the lighting level of red floodlights providing general lighting for the consoles. Three settings are available: DIM, MED and BRT.

💡 To turn them off, place the switch in DIM and the Console Knob in OFF.

💡 Floodlights for the Instrument Panel are controlled by the pilot, see the Instrument Flood Switch.

Warning Light Test Switch

The Warning Light Test Switch (7) if set to the TEST position, confirms function of the various emergency indicators in the cockpit.

Instrument Panel Knob

This knob (2) controls the background illumination of the instrument panel, as well as edge lighting for most of its gauges.

💡 The main flight instruments are controlled by the pilot via the Flight Instrument Brightness Knob instead.

Indexer Knob

Controls the brightness (3) of the AoA Indexer lights to the left and right of the canopy bow.

Console Knob

The Console Light Control Knob (1), with range from OFF to BRT, controls the illumination level for the left and right console.